On our website Cuba-knowledge you can find interesting indications and tips on traveling to Cuba, rules of behavior, and certain things that may be hard to understand.On this site we have collected a few customer questions, that were asked time and again before or during the booking.
How can I obtain a refund for my trip(s)?
You can cancel and get a refund for your booking at the latest 14 days before the first trip that you booked, by indicating your booking number.This happens when we have confirmed all trips for you and you have already paid for them. In this case, we will retain 25% ofthe amount, to pay for the service provided in advance. You will receive 75% of the costs refunded. You don’t have to justify your cancellations. If you have not completed the above step yet, which means you have not paid anything, of course there is no refund: you will simply ignore the payment notification from us, so that the trip will cancel itself.
Do I need this service if I have an all-inclusive holiday?
Our customer target group are individual tourists.You will basically not need our services if you have booked an all-inclusive holiday in a resort on the Caribbean shore.Your hotel/resort will send a driver to pick you up from the airport. The same will be offered on your return trip. In most cases, all-inclusive tourists will not need the services offered byGoCubaGo.
Why should I book the airport transfer in advance?
At the airport site you will find out about a few things.One of them is that you will not have found the local tourist currency (the »Peso Convertibile« aka CUC) in your home country. This means you will have your first contact with a long line in front of the exchange office in the airport. And there is enough market mentality in Cuba to speculate that if many tourists have landed, and the taxis are in high demand, prices will skyrocket. Therefore, without the GoCubaGo advance booking, prices are not guaranteed anymore and are at the mercy of drivers. In a nutshell, your holiday in Cuba could have a relaxed and pleasant start if you decide to book with us, rather than try to manage yourself some transport from the airport.
Why are there no fixed prices sometimes?
During the booking process, it may sometimes happen that you only see prices “on request”. This is no problem, since we are normally agreeing on reservations and prices with the drivers. As soon as all is settled, our clearing team will enter the prices into your booking. This usually happens before you pay. After confirmation from our partners, you will receive a similar message, accompanied by a payment request. Should you not be satisfied with the price, you can cancel your booking. While there are some standard routes where we have negotiated fixed prices with the drivers, this cannot apply to all routes: in some cases, it is impossible to calculate the price in advance, because this is also subject to demand and supply. And there are also other routes and connections where this is not always possible in a 1:1 chance. The good news is that you are only asked to pay after you have learned the price and you have decided to take our offer.
Which disadvantages does GoCubaGo have for me as a tourist?
It is by all means possible that you can occasionally find cheaper trips when you are already on site. The thing is, you will have to deal with it yourself. Since you have no possibility to get any Cuban currency while in Europe or elsewhere, you are bound to get in line at the exchange office in the airport, right after landing. More about exchanging money in Cuba can be found here. One other aspect where GoCubaGo services may prove to be redundant is that many private accommodations in Cuba - the so-called »Casa Particular« - also offer transfer services, and will call a taxi for you. Not to speak of the fact that many ofthem use themselves the services of GoCubaGo, while connecting with our local team from Havana. And of course, if this could be called a disadvantage, as always with online bookings, if you do not show up at the convened place and time, you will lose your booking. Therefore, if you are a spontaneous person, and you decide from one day to the next where you wish to be driven or not, then GoCubaGo is not your type of service.
When do I have to pay for the trip(s)?
When you book your trip on GoCubaGo.com from the airport tothe city, from the city back tothe airport or between two cities, our clearing team in Havana will confirm that there is a car and a driver available at the desired time. After all your trips that can be served by us have been cleared, the price is fixed. At this time the system will send you the message of confirmation for your trips, and you can now pay. The message will contain the link to the payment page. Please be sure to pay within 7 days after this message, otherwise we may cancel them with our drivers and clear them for other transfer trips.
What payment possibilities are there withGoCubaGo?
As payment solution we use the German DAX-30 company Wirecard AG. In their payment system we can offer you to pay with the creditcards VISA and MasterCard.
You will only receive the requirement to pay after we have obtained clearance for all the trips that you have booked. This process is done manually by our clearing team in Havana.